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Material may not be available during shutdown process.
Updated 17/12/2024
Poweroff procedure (+WAIT, UNPLUG!)
Shut down the system The shutdown process can take between 25 to 45 minutes to complete. During this time, the connection to the system will be lost and you will not have access to Unisphere or the online help. 1. From Unisphere, select Settings > Service System. 2. Enter the Service password to access the Service System page. 3. Under Service Actions, select Shut Down System. 4. Click Execute service action to shut down the storage processors (SPs). 5. In the Service Confirmation dialog box, click OK. 6. Check the status of the shutdown process by looking at the SP LED indicators: On VNXe3100 and VNXe3150 systems, the shutdown process is complete when only the Storage Processor Power LEDs are blinking and all other Storage Processor LEDs are off. 7. If you are relocating hardware, disconnect cables in the following order: Disconnect the power cables from disk-processor enclosure (DPE) to power down the SPs. Disconnect the power cable from the DAEs to power them down.
Power up the system (20+ minutes! Check www!) To power up a system that is fully powered down: 1. Reconnect the power cables to each DAE in the following exact order: DAE 0 DAE 1 DAE 2 Power up any remaining DAEs in ascending order. The green Power Status LED powerlines.gif on each DAE turns on. For more information on the LEDs, see System LED displays. 2. Reconnect the power cables to each SP in exactly this order: SP A SP B The green Power Status LED on each SP turns on. * uranus, gaia mount /mnt